Sunday, June 21, 2009

Potato pizza

So yesterday was my first legit meal at a sit-down restaurant in Italy. We're poor college students, and we usually get breakfast, lunch, and dinner at little cafes and cheap places. But last night we had dinner at a restaurant with "pumpkin" in the name. I had pumpkin risotto, and it was quite possibly the best stuff ever. I thought it would taste weirder, but it really didn't. It made me think of the risotto we eat at home--only orange. It was SO good. It made me want to eat like that the whole time we were here. And it was relatively cheap, too. Only 8,50 euro.
Today was an uber lazy day, too. I woke up briefly this morning to thunder and rain. We slept in for the first time in a week and then headed to the nearby Piazza to study. There was this little baby there with his parents that kept staring at me and waving. I finally got a smile out of him--he looked so serious. So cute! It's been grey and a little chilly all day, and I hear big thunder now. It might rain again, soon.

We left when the sky started looking like this.

A building by the fountain.
One of the Bernini fountains in the piazza two seconds away from our hotel.
We went to VIP for lunch today (Very Italian Pizza--haha, that sounds real authentic). I had something with some salty sausage things on it and there were mashed potatoes on top of the crust? It was a really strange texture. But I mean it was really good, just odd. I have no idea what we're going to do tonight, because I imagine it's going to be pretty cold. Tomorrow is the last day of our weekend (we have weird weekends--Sunday and Monday off), so I'll probably head over to the Villa Borghese to do homework. I have never been less motivated to do schoolwork in my life. Bleh.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Nicole! VIP (Very Italian Pizza) sounds a lot like the subtitle of my mom's bakery in the Pike Place Market - Le Panier: Very French Bakery! Your trip sounds so fun so far, and kudos for being adventurous in trying different foods! You have to when you're in Europe because the food is so good, and you can almost never go wrong!
