Thursday, July 2, 2009


SUPER thunderstorm tonight. Around 6:30 the clouds rolled in and all hell broke loose. Not really. But kind of. There was lightning lighting up the buildings every few seconds and the loudest, weirdest-sounding thunder I've ever heard. It was epic. The rain came down in torrents for a while, and people were running all over the streets to get out of it. Lots of people were standing in doorways just watching the lightning. It struck real close a couple of times, and I saw a couple forks come out of the clouds. I wish we had thunderstorms like that back at home. I just sat on the windowsill (inside, don't worry) watching it until it passed.
Tonight we went to the pumpkin place (one of our favorite restaurants) for Neenah's birthday. It was a lot of fun. I had thin pizza, and then we had this cool dessert : it had ricotta cheese and nutella on a crust-type thing. SO good.
When we got back, Hannah fixed my haircut, because it was getting nasty and long and weird in the back, and now I love it. I was starting to feel like a 9 year old boy. She's just wonderful. After that we sat in the hallway and watched So You Think You Can Dance on her laptop, because she gets better internet out there. Glorious.
That is all. I am going to bed. Tomorrow we're looking at Caravaggio!!


  1. Glad you didn't fall out the window and you are getting use out of your sweatshirt. 85 degrees here and lovely. Missing you..XXOO mom
    P.S. Nutella? ew.Skype on the 4th!

  2. Caravaggio is INCREDIBLE.
